New Orleans; Beads, breasts and balconies.
June 12th, Mobil -> New Orleans via beaches at Pass Christian and southern pie at Bay St Louis.
June 13th New Orleans.
Photos can be found here
New Orleans is interesting indeed, although in an entirely different manner than I expected. We are staying in an area called the French Quarter, this is also the area where all the nightlife is. It is an area of about 60 blocks of colonial style houses converted into bars, hotels, bars, clubs, bars, restraunts and er, bars. Most of the nightlife takes place along Bourbon street, which runs the length of the Quarter, and is lined with balconied clubs and bars. The idea is that you pick up some drinks and, drink in hand, wander the length of the street popping in and out anywhere that takes your fancy.
Now the surprising part is that it is the custom to buy yourself a load of beaded necklaces, stand on the balconies and yell at passers by that you want to strip. Amazingly loads of people flash ass or breasts or sometimes, er, other bits. After they have flashed their, um, goodies, the callers chuck them a load of beads. Very wierd, but makes an interesting backdrop to an evening.
Our evenings here we spent cruising Bourbon street, drink in hand, soaking up the atmosphere and crashing other groups of people to have a blether. It turns out that doing a road trip and coming from another county gives as loads of conversational ammunition and the local cocktails, the 'hand grenade' and 'hurricane', were giving us plenty of fuel.
So the whole place has an atmosphere of non-stop party. However it it is like a Spanish resort style party not a down'n'dirty R&B grind fest or finger clicking jazz / blues chill out, and in this respect New Orleans was not what I was hoping for, although its still a real fun place.
In other news I was ripped off to the tune of $300 dollars from the bag in my Hotel room. Insurance or the Hotel will cover it, however it meant I had the dubious pleasure of chatting to New Orleans Boys in Blue. They popped around to the Hotel for an interview. Most of the interview seemed to be spent persuading them it was unlikely to have been, as they suspected, Keith. Or as he put it "Trust your buddy with you life but not you money or you wife".
Hahahha.. the boys in blue: "that other dodgy pale scottish must have been him..."
Anonymous, at 4:51 pm
Hi Dave, whats a blogger? Its Gill, I have found a flatmate. She is 27 Australian and is moving up from london on 25th June. She is working as a lawyer and has a job secured in Glasgow (commuting from Edinburgh). The job will transfer to Edinburgh after a few months. Shes really nice and I hope you will both like her, she was up for a week looking for places and I've met her twice.
Have a nice time, I love reading what your up to.
Anonymous, at 12:35 pm
Gill you are a star! New flat mate ahoy! Josh sends his luuuve by the way :)
DaveM, at 1:58 am
Cheers dev, but the "trust your buddy with your life not your money or your wife" made the whole run in with the NOPD worth while :)
DaveM, at 3:34 pm
Hi Dave and Keith,
I am the new flatmate. Gillian gave me your website, so I thought I would have a look to ensure your were not freaks.
I was in New Orleans (or 'Nawlins' as I prefer) last year (have the beads etc). If youre still there you should check out a restaurant on Iberville St called La Louisianne. V good when we were there. Theres a guy called Chris on front of house (beard and earing) and a waiter called Lecester Devold (bit of a dude) who sends you to all the right jazz clubs in the Marigny district. Bartender, Jay, (if he's still there - he gave me the beads!) is quite heavy handed if he likes you.
Look forward to meeting you.
Amelia .
Anonymous, at 9:59 am
Hello Amelia we're long gone from New Orleans but we are looking forward to meeting you too! (Dave Waves)
DaveM, at 4:08 am
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