Random notes I
Yawn, sitting waiting on everyone having their respective showers, so some random notes.
- So far everyone here is nice. Really nice, and keen for a bit of a blether. Im really going to miss the service here.
- So far everyone seems pretty much happy and relaxed.
- No-one gets sarcasm,
- example one, Josh orders the same thing as two Americans he is with, saying "Just to be original I'll have the same thing", they pause and correct him saying that to be original he'd have to order something else.
- example two, Im discussing various sports with a chap who refuses to believe Im not Irish and keeps asking me about Irish bands. We are discussing female softball, the teams consist of lots of highly fit young ladies I say sarcasticly "Hmm I cant imagine why this is so popular", he corrects me with "It is because they are all hot"
- The weather has been a distinctly curious yet pleasantly steady temperature with mild humidity, nice and bright but without ever really seeing the sun.
Oop we're starting to pack now, cya.
Yo Dave,
Sounds like your havin fun mate. Get that ass to New Orleans and have some fun.
Anonymous, at 11:00 am
Cheers Dev, I may stick to sarcasm as a shoulder-slap would sting like hell on my redneck shoulders :)
Anonymous, at 4:39 pm
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