Well on Saturday we finally had our flatwarming party. The theme for the evening was black and white. We decked the flat out in a combination of white and black ballons and ribbons. This was accompanied with an array of fairly lights that we had nailed to just about any surface that would accommodate them. All in all the place looked pretty darn cool. The Gulag(tm) in the flat was filled with 24 corrona, 18 IPA, 7 bottles of red wine, 2 bottles of white and a bottle of Champagne. One of these bottles of wine was empty and its contents inside us. All in all we were ready to receive our guests.
I think the black/white theme worked out pretty well. It was simple enough that most people could easily turn up in theme (and indeed had done so) whilst allowing those of a more flamboyant air to come all dressed up. Maybe next time a red / white theme? White Stripes. Woot!
The party really started kicking off around 21:30-22:00, it probably peaked around 01:30 with a full on party in the kitchen/lounge/hall/keiths room and stairwell before tailing off sharply around 03:00 to a one and a half room party. The hardcore remnants then kept going until ~04:40 when any remaining booze had become undistinguishable from the mountains of empties.
It was brilliant! I had a great time and I suspect that mostly everyone else had one as well. The night totally flew in to such an extent I almost felt cheated, it was over already? Noooo! I particulary enjoyed that there were quite a few normally disparate groups in attendance but that everyone appeared to be mixing well and having a good old banter. Woot! Much fun. The flat certainly bodes well for future parties. I mostly forgot to use my camera but will stick up some photos once I've had a chance to review them and peruse Gills camera as well, if anyone out there has any good one let me know and I'll link to them.
p.s. find additional blog entry below tallying the beer count.
Damn I thought it was 30th of August I was in Prague and missed it
Anonymous, at 10:59 pm
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